The De Chiara De Maio Foundation has many friends, whose presence is to bring together individuals who contribute, each with their own skills and knowledge, to enhance initiatives and local well-being. The Foundation, with its friends, wants to open its doors to any form of dialogue, considering and evaluating any idea that may arise.

In this choice, the De Chiara De Maio Foundation expresses its desire not to be confined within four walls, but to go beyond all boundaries of space, time, and emotions. We hope that the circle of our friends continues to expand, ensuring the Foundation benefits from new ideas and fruitful collaborations.

Friends of the De Chiara De Maio Foundation

Don Michele Alfano, Fulvia Bacchi, Sandro Barbagallo, Antonio Bergamino, Pietro Calzolari, Massimo Ciaccio, Luca Cipriano, Claudio Corrivetti, Mario Dell’ Acqua, Vincenzo De Luca, Mario Fulvio De Maio, Antonio Di Palma, Claudio Di Palma, Valerio Falcone, Claudio Falcucci, Marco Ferrigno, Carmela Gaeta, Luigi Gagliardi, Giuseppe Galasso, Rosa Grano, Carlo Iannace, Mario Maglione, Gianluca Marta, Antonio Marzullo, Gennaro Montone, Angelo Nudo, Francesco Paoloantoni, Don Mario Pierro, Rosanna Repole, Gianni Russo, Nicola Saldutti, Gigi Savoia, Sergio Scibetta, Vittorio Sgarbi, Emilia Sica, Bruno Tatafiore, Michele Vignola.

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